Saturday, 30 June 2012

Wall Paper

Wall Paper

The most common wall covering for residential use and generally the most economical is prepasted vinyl coated paper, commonly called "strippable" which can be misleading. Cloth backed vinyl is fairly common and durable. Lighter vinyls are easier to handle and hang. Paper backed vinyls are generally more expensive, significantly more difficult to hang, and can be found in wider untrimmed widths. Foil wallpaper generally has paper backing and can (exceptionally) be up to 36 inches wide, and be very difficult to handle and hang. Textile wallpapers include silks, linens, grass cloths, strings, rattan, and actual impressed leaves. There are acoustical wall carpets to reduce sound. Customized wallcoverings are available at high prices and most often have minimum roll orders.

Wall Paper

Wall Paper

Wall Paper

Wall Paper

Wall Paper

Wall Paper

Wall Paper

Wall Paper

Wall Paper

Wall Paper

Wall Paper

Wall Paper

Wall Paper

Wall Paper

Wall Paper

Wall Paper

Wall Paper

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